A duo exhibition by Machteld Aardse and Lyske Gais. The 37PK guest studio brings together the practices of the Amsterdam artists Machteld Aardse and Lyske Gais. The two very different artists focus on a common topic: the relationship between data and people. Data Science, Big Data and algorithms largely and increasingly determine the world around us. Do people still have a grip on this data, or do they only have a grip on us?
Aardse was interested in the very personal, physical and intimate nature of the digital, using her own body and transforming the data of a full body scan into a book and installation to enhance the vulnerability.
Vouch 3, Loods 6 Amsterdam (Book)
Stadskunstkamer Haarlem
Outer Space, 37PK Haarlem, 2018
Het Grid Ontgroeid, 37PK 01.05.15-14.06.15
Kaggle data set
Curator: Martijn Lucas Smit
In collaboration with: 3-D lab Haarlem, Amsterdam Medisch Centrum: Martine Regenboog (Ph.D researcher), Erik Akkerman (MRI-technician)
In collaboration with: Virag Dezso (performer, mime) and Yung-Tuan Ku (performer, percussion) from the Moving Academy for Performing Arts (MAPA)